Monday, March 27, 2017

Reinvent Yourself: A Motivational Lament

Why are my moments of highest motivation always, ALWAYS, just before I have to go to work - or just before I go to bed?

A smart friend of mine suggested that maybe it's a survival reflex. That our subconscious knows that's the only safe time to inspire us because it's the easiest kind of motivation to get out of.

"You have energy. You could start that thing you wanted to start. But darn! - you have to go to work! Oh well, we'll get 'em later, Tiger. Have a great day!"

"Thanks, subconscious! You have a great day too."

And you work.

And you intend to give that thing you wanted to start another go.

But at the end of the day, a funny thing happens.

Your work is done, you've eaten, spent time with the family & friends and now, now it's time for sweet sleep.

You've waited all day for this. The stress is gone. You're relaxed. Your inhibitions are down. You're in the twilight of consciousness, drifting off, and..


A great idea hits you!

And your subconscious knew one was coming all along. But it reminds you:

"You have energy. You could start that thing you wanted to start. But darn! you have to sleep! Oh well, we'll get 'em later, Tiger. Have a great night!"

"Darn you, subconscious. Right again. You have a great night too!"

So you'll give that thing you wanted to start another go.

In the morning. Before work.

But for now, zzzz :: drool :: zzzz :: snore :: zzzz!